The Nature -Sync Program
Synchronize and Evolve with Nature;-
- Four Levels to Choose from including ITAP the Individually Tailored Ascension Program as an Add On.
- 28 Days Access to the Nature-Sync Community for Discussions, Questions and Answers
- New and Exclusive Information including all the NEW Elemental Correspondences and Keywords Daily.
- A Personal Copy of the Newly Updated Nature-Sync Calendar (PDF) Download at check out.
- 30ml Bottle(s) of the current Nature-Sync Activator, Locking 28 Minerals into the Body over 28 Days.
- Powerful Activations and Exercises to further Synchronize with Nature from JMA
- Next Moon Sign up NOW OPEN.
'The cyclic nature of a human being and our connection to Natural Law is one of the most forgotten principles of not just health but also total wellbeing and our creative ability, it is actually possible that every disharmony in your life and body is due to poor cyclic embrace, an ongoing state of lowered 'Nature-Sync'!
Nature-Sync Basics
- Nature-Sync is the FIRST Product on Our Planet designed to reach out to Nature and Natural Law and by Cyclic Linking, allow it as our TEACHER and HEALER.
- Nature-Sync Links us to and activates us within the Mineral Kingdoms Crystalline Cycle and in doing so links us to all Nature driven Movements and ALL CYCLES.
- Nature-Sync is the result of Justin Moikeha Asar mapping and embracing the Crystalline Cycle over 20 PLUS YEARS and increasingly recognising its importance for a Humanity UNITING in Consciousness.
- Nature-Sync REPRESENTS the ultimate tool of PEACE, HEALING and SIMULTANEOUS EVOLUTION its benefits on all Levels are Endless.
- Nature-Sync is truly the worlds first specific supply MULTI-MINERAL GEOMETRIC SUPPLEMENT, a Libarary of Creation templates at there most active Points.
- Nature-Sync is 28 Minerals in Sequence over 28 Days activated within us, you are not following a Cycle, YOU ARE THE CYCLE, IT LIVES IN YOU!

'As you Synchronize with Nature the way you respond to change shifts into an unconditional State of Faith, you realize nothing is Permanent and you can Calmly Let Go'.
Sign Up Now
ITAP- Ultimate Nature-Sync Add on
- Nature-Sync by way of Linking to such a foundational cycle provides an amazing OPPORTUNITY SPIRITUALLY.
- ITAP stands for INDIVIDUALLY TAILORED ASCENSION PROGRAM and that is exactly what it is! As though Nature-Sync Membership wasn’t enough ITAP is your chance to FOCUS your Journey, Discoveries and Evolutions towards the Highest and most sacred aspects of your Earth Journey, YOUR PERSONAL ASCENSION.
- At the ITAP programs heart is a 28-DAY PRESCRIPTION INTUITIVELY CHOSEN, MANUFACTURED AND PROGRAMMED BY JMA from his long list of Tools, Remedies and Sequences. A prescription designed specifically to manifest THE ULTIMATE SELF-DEVELOPMENT PATHWAYS, Contacts and Ascension Protocols as you Journey through the Nature-Sync Process.
- THE GOAL OF ITAP is to profoundly ADD TO THE OVERALL DEPTH of Nature-Sync and facilitate its integration into life, but the ULTIMATE PRIZE is realized when we encourage the Cycle to Live within and through us as a Spiritual Endeavour. At that point, THE CYCLE BECOMES MORE OF A SPIRAL and everything in life SLOWS and begins to UNITE, that place is THE GOAL of JMA's ITAP Prescription, 'The Stillness of the Nature Awakened Heart'.
'As the Cycles of Nature become inherent within us, more and more you will begin to recognise them as a Spiral. At its outer edge, everything Speeds up and Separates, but at its Core, everything Slows and Unites.
This is the Gift of Nature-Sync, The Stillness of the Nature Awakened Heart'.
Everything you need to know about Nature-Sync and ITAP?
Before you Click these get comfortable, there is a lot of exciting detail in some of these, after all, we don't want you doing something if you don't understand it. Prepare to be blown away, Nature-Sync is here to Change the World!
What is Nature-Sync?
Why would i work with Nature-Sync?
The Crystalline Cycle & Nature-Sync?
What can i Expect from Nature-Sync?
What is in the Nature-Sync Bottle?
What if i Run out of Drops?
What is the Nature-Sync Community?
How long do i work with Nature-Sync?
Nature-Sync Add-On Information.
What is the ITAP Nature-Sync Add-on?

The Mastery that is Nature-Sync
The detailed View by its creator Justin Moikeha Asar
'Every Year to retain balance our Planet Cycles through the Mineral kingdom in what is referred to as the Greater Crystalline Cycle, something that has been active and evolving since the Universal Dawn, by way of Divine Design, this evolving cycle makes sure that the Geometric Templates required by Humanity to fulfil our role as ‘World Builders’ are available to us in the Five Elemental Languages of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit, the last of which is found by a Masterful Merge of the other Four.
The question is are we listening and Evolving as we should?
Every Year we are reintroduced to these Keys of Manifestation and subsequently if embraced effectively, all their Lessons and Paths of Conscious as they swirl around us in four minor cycles of 72 Minerals each and one final run of 77 Minerals that delivers 365 Days and the Close of the Year.
Each minor cycle is governed by an Element and the final run of 77 is governed by Spirit, the idea is that by embracing all the Minerals in our outer world in their Five Forms we have access to them and all similar Geometries, Vibrations and Frequencies WITHIN us. Given we are principally made of Water with Minerals dissolved into it, this process is truly nothing more than an Annual Inward Adventure through the Elemental Selves to rediscover our Spirit, become whole and Evolve. On this Journey the closer we get to total success, the easier it gets to take charge of our world and all within it, and over time, everything begins to be seen as a Geometric Recipe, an emanation of Crystalline Consciousness to which you are not only the Key but by Will, the absolute Creator. In short, you Create your world but you need a geometric framework to do so, a perfect set of empty shells that you can fill in order to create what you need.
Throughout the year, every mineral appears Five times, once under every element. Which means there is only a single day where a mineral is governed by each element every year. Whether you know it or not, this fact is affecting your life and the way you live it, the mineral in play and its governing element are influencing your decisions and the way you live. Wouldn't it be nice to take control? Imagine living a life where every day you embrace that mineral on all levels and relate it to your life and the events surrounding you, you Synchronise with Nature and Natural Law and begin to perform tasks in the flow rather than against it.
By the very nature of Cyclic embrace forever flowing forward, as our planet functions bound to Mass Consciousness it responds to our aggregate fail points and lifts the most important geometric solutions (Crystals/Minerals) for our liberation to its surface for us to learn from. Those same Minerals form the reasoning behind the Selection of the Minerals that make up the 77 Crystals of The Liquid Crystals modality and further manifest the Starchild Directives as 33 merged trinities from the mineral kingdom.
So, what if we truly Embrace the Cycle, Learn from it and Let it Live within and around us, not just in our lives but in a Hyperactive state within our Body? Well, that was, and remains an important principle for which the TLC modality was created 20 years ago and that Crystalline Cycle, well at TLC we have been living it for 20 Years and Nature-Sync has been that long in the Making!
In the last ten years, my personal ability regarding Crystalline Consciousness has blossomed into a nature-driven alchemical mastery that I believe is rarely see on our planet and with it I have discovered added abilities regarding the Mineral Kingdom and its arrangements not just for Healing but also for Evolution and our completion Spiritually. Originally it was a masterpiece just getting 7 Crystals to cooperate in a single bottle towards a common goal, but now many years later that has expanded into an endless dance of Geometric Light, Vibration and Consciousness. The recent creation of the VS Range (Viral Support) pushed my ability to its limit and from that same space comes Nature-Sync, a Masterpiece of Consciousness, Natural Law, Geometric Mastery and Pure Knowing so profound that the only way forward is to share it and its potential and possibilities with the world.
Join Me and Step inside natures hidden garden, a place which is a reflection of your most Sacred Heart. Dance within the Moons Light of Guidance, Breathe and Embrace 28 Crystals twice a day over 28 Days, each hyper-activated within an Element, all perfectly designed to embed 28 Lessons, 28 Geometric perfections and write 28 chapters of living upon the palms of your hands, a gift of self-perfection and a fuel for every Loving whisper you share with others, 'The Stillness of the Nature Awakened Heart' will be Yours Forever'.
In the Light of Futures Unity
- Justin Moikeha Asar (ND, Dip.Bot.Med, Adv.Dip.Hom, Dip Nut, DRM)
Nature-Sync Options
When it Comes to Nature-Sync there are Four Options- 1) Nature- Sync (Standard), 2) Nature- Sync (PLUS), 3) ITAP (Nature-Sync Ascension) and 4) ITAP PLUS (Nature-Sync-Ascension PLUS)
(NOTE INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS- International Price is due to predicted Freight/Packaging Costs, and Due to Covid and Xmas Freight based Delays, International Members will Begin with N-Sync and ITAP Product on the Feb Moon, if you Sign up Now you get 21 days free Community access so you'll know what going on.)
*** All Nature-Sync and ITAP Community Access Starts Immediately After Payment.
1) Nature-Sync (Standard)- Australian/International Member
$133 (AUST) / $151 (INT) Per Moon
Price in AUD/ 28 Day Subscription Includes -
BUY NOW (AUSTRALIAN Nature-Sync) Signing Next Moon2) Worried about Running Out? Go Nature-Sync PLUS.
One Bottle will get you through 28 days, but often there may be times where extra support via 3 drops is desired, Nature-Sync PLUS is your solution.
2) Nature-Sync (PLUS) - Australian/International Member
$169 (AUST) / $187 (INT) Per Moon
Price in AUD/ 28 Day Subscription Includes -
BUY NOW (AUSTRALIAN Nature-Sync PLUS) Signing Next Moon3) Add ITAP, The Individually Tailored Ascension Program.
Add ITAP the Individually Tailored Ascension Program to your Nature-Sync Journey. ITAP is a powerful add on and whilst not for everyone, it takes Nature-Sync to a whole new level gearing it towards Ascension and your Highest Spiritual Directives.
3) ITAP (Nature-Sync Ascension) - AUST/International Member
$232 (AUST) / $250 (INT) Per Moon
Price in AUD/ 28 Day Subscription Includes -
BUY NOW (AUSTRALIAN ITAP)- Signing Next Moon4) ITAP PLUS (ITAP Plus an Extra Bottle of Nature-Sync)
One Bottle of Nature-Sync will get you through the 28 days, but often there may be times where extra support via 3 drops is desired, ITAP Nature-Sync PLUS is your solution.
4) ITAP PLUS (Nature-Sync Ascension PLUS) - AUST/International Member
$268 (AUST) / $286 (INT) Per Moon
Price in AUD/ 28 Day Subscription Includes -
BUY NOW (AUSTRALIAN ITAP PLUS)- Signing Next MoonNext Moon Signup Window Closes
Your Nature-Sync Membership is time Sensitive! The Cut-off allows us to get everything you need into your Hands so you can be In-Sync with Nature.